I'm not really good with coding and all that technical stuff, so if someone could make that code it would be much appreciated :D I already have Funky Kong, Baby Luigi, Tiny Titan and Magikruiser because it still worked a few days ago). So I am in need of a code that unlocks only the karts/bikes and characters you'd get from Time Trial (Birdo and Toadette, Sprinter and Spear. strangely, the game won't save Time Trail data, even though I have really good times (2:09 on Warios Gold Mine for example, beaten the developer, but the game won't save my ghost data).

I want to unlock as much as possible myself and 2. I'm aware that there is a code for unlocking everything, but 1. I'd like to request a Gecko code that lets you unlock single karts/bikes and characters. Hey Mario Kart Wii community, modders and enthusiasts, (Request) Gecko Code for unlocking single karts/characters, not all of them - Leokatchu - 12-23-2020

+- Thread: (Request) Gecko Code for unlocking single karts/characters, not all of them ( /showthread.php?tid=1698) +- Forum: Code Support / Help / Requests ( ) +- Mario Kart Wii Gecko Codes, Cheats, & Hacks ( ) (Request) Gecko Code for unlocking single karts/characters, not all of them - Printable Version